6. Menu 2021 – ‘Theories + Frontiers’
Don’t listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions.
– A. Einstein
Welcome to Theories + Frontiers. In previous menus, we have looked to the accomplishments of the scientists of the past for inspiration. This bespoke drinks list is instead inspired by studying what we do not know; the unexplored ideas and phenomena which humanity has yet to conquer.

Carbon Cooler | Climate Change
Reyka Vodka, Cacao Blanc, Mint³, Reclaimed Citrus, Soda

Casual Loop | Time Travel
Hendricks Gin, Pressed Watermelon, Bandarra Rose, Soda

Make Me Famous | The Internet
Tanqueray Gin, Passionfruit Wine Vanilla, Disco Dust

Glitch | Artificial Intelligence
Bacard1 4, Amaro Montenegro, Peche, Ginger Homebrew

Spritzr | CRISPR
Ketel One Cucumber and Mint, Strawberry, Campari, Prosecco, Elderflower Paint

Buck Fast, Die Young | Cryptocurrency
Appleton Rum, Montelobos, Concentrated Buckfast, Lemon Mist, Money To Burn

Concrete Daisy | Urban Farming
Espolon Tequila, Orange Lillet, Urban Honey, Spruce tips

Point Nemo | The Deep
Johnnie Walker Black Label, Smokey Monkey, Drambuie, Toasted Oat Orgeat

Transparency | Epistemology
Kingston White Rum, Pineapple, Coconut, Colada Crisp

Voyager | Space Exploration
El Gobernador Pisco, White Port, Conference Pear, Space Mist

Snakebite Negroni | Venomics
Hopped up Calvados, Black Taunton Apples, Martini Ambratto

Critical Mass | Black Holes
Banana Bread Woodford, Slane Irish Whiskey, Hennessy, Salted Maple

Convergence | The Multiverse
Serves 4
Bombay Bramble, Vanilla, Sour Cherry Tea

Life Finds a Way | De-extinction
Serves 4
Fords Gin, Lillet, Orange Blossom